Ledger Live is the official software application developed by Ledger SAS, designed primarily to manage and interact with your Ledger hardware wallet and cryptocurrencies. It is available as both a desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Linux, and a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. Here’s a detailed overview of Ledger Live and its functionalities across different platforms:

Features of Ledger Live App:

  1. Wallet Management:

    • Device Connectivity: Ledger Live allows you to connect your Ledger hardware wallet (such as Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X) to your computer or mobile device via USB cable (or Bluetooth for Ledger Nano X).

    • Multi-Device Support: You can manage multiple Ledger devices simultaneously from a single Ledger Live application.

  2. Portfolio Overview:

    • Balance Monitoring: View the balances of your cryptocurrencies stored on your Ledger hardware wallet directly within Ledger Live.

    • Transaction History: Access detailed transaction histories for each cryptocurrency account managed by your Ledger device.

  3. Transaction Management:

    • Send and Receive: Initiate transactions to send cryptocurrencies to other addresses or receive funds into your Ledger wallet securely.

    • Transaction Signing: All transactions require confirmation on your Ledger hardware wallet, ensuring that your private keys remain secure offline.

  4. Account Management:

    • Create and Organize Accounts: Generate new accounts for different cryptocurrencies supported by Ledger and manage existing accounts.

    • Account Labeling: Organize and label your cryptocurrency accounts for easier tracking and management.

  5. Security Features:

    • PIN Code Protection: Secure access to your Ledger hardware wallet with a PIN code set during the initial device setup.

    • Recovery Phrase: Safely store your 24-word recovery phrase offline. This phrase is crucial for recovering access to your wallet if your Ledger device is lost or damaged.

  6. Application Management:

    • Install and Uninstall Apps: Ledger Live allows you to manage apps for different cryptocurrencies supported by Ledger devices.

    • Firmware Updates: Easily update the firmware of your Ledger hardware wallet via Ledger Live to ensure your device is equipped with the latest security patches and features.

  7. Additional Features:

    • Portfolio Tracking: Monitor the performance of your cryptocurrency investments with real-time market data and historical price charts.

    • Buy Crypto (in supported regions): Purchase cryptocurrencies directly through Ledger Live using integrated exchange services.

    • Staking (if supported): Participate in staking activities for cryptocurrencies that offer staking rewards, directly managed through Ledger Live.

Using Ledger Live:

  • Desktop Application:

    • Download and Installation: Visit the official Ledger website (ledger.com) and download Ledger Live for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).

    • Connect Your Device: Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer via USB cable or Bluetooth (for Ledger Nano X).

    • Setup and Management: Follow the on-screen instructions to set up or access your Ledger hardware wallet, manage accounts, and perform transactions.

  • Mobile Application:

    • Download: Install Ledger Live from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) on your mobile device.

    • Connect Your Device: Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your mobile device via USB cable or Bluetooth (for Ledger Nano X).

    • Manage On the Go: View balances, send and receive transactions, and manage accounts directly from your mobile device.

Security Best Practices:

  • Always download Ledger Live from the official Ledger website or authorized app stores to avoid potential security risks associated with third-party downloads.

  • Safeguard your recovery phrase securely offline and refrain from sharing it with anyone.

  • Regularly update Ledger Live and your Ledger hardware wallet firmware to incorporate the latest security enhancements and features.


Ledger Live offers a comprehensive solution for managing your cryptocurrency assets securely with Ledger hardware wallets. Whether accessed through its desktop application or mobile app, Ledger Live provides intuitive functionality paired with robust security measures, ensuring the protection and efficient management of your digital assets.

Last updated